St. Thomas Mount, Chennai

We, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, an indigenous congregation of women religious , founded by the Most Rev. Bishop John Aelen, the Archbishop of Madras on 13th February, 1883 under the patronage of St. Joseph at Vepery Chennai – 600 112, mainly called to define our commitment in these words: “Towards Integral Liberation in Solidarity with the Oppressed and the Downtrodden with Singular Emphasis on Women and Female Children”. The Congregation attained its Pontifical status on 7 April 1998.  The guiding spirit of the Lord has worked wonders through the ages leaving an indelible mark on the sands of time. The Congregation reads the signs of time and renders the Church and its people service in various forms: Pastoral, Evangelical, Educational, Healing, Social, Political and Ecological situations.

Most Rev John Aelen MHM


Bishop John Aelen, our Founder, was a daring visionary who had the inner courage to “Proclaim the Year of the Lord’s Favour” to all those who were pushed to the periphery of the hierarchically-structured society. He emphasized and gave us our primary goal and charism, the ardent desire to strive towards liberation in solidarity with the downtrodden and the oppressed with a special emphasis on women and integral growth of female children.”

Our Apostolate

We are passionate about our mission to witness God’s kingdom established the earth. 


We, the Franciscan Sisters of St.Joseph are engaged in pastoral ministry. 


The Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, animated and guided by the life and spirit of our founder Bishop John Aelen , 

Health Care

We partake the healing ministry of Jesus through direct care, outreach services and related health and human services activities. 

Social Action

We FSJ Sisters aid to the development and the growth of the individual and the society.

“The sisters fulfil their duties with exactitude and zeal in a spirit of faith and love of God’s will. They must be humble, prompt and cheerful, active and responsible in their obedience.”

connect with us

Serve With Us

We come together to fulfill the gospel through our work with and on behalf of those who are alienated.

Pray With Us

At this difficult time we are super-focused on caring for the people. We are praying for you.

Discern With Us

We encourage women between the ages of 18-35 who are discerning the call to religious life .


“In Keeping With Our Charism, In All Our Ministries We Take Special Care Of The Downtrodden And The Oppressed And Especially The Women And Female Children, And Strive Towards Their Integral Formation And Development”.

FSJ Constitution 34:1
